

Sunday Gatherings

Each Sunday at 11:00AM, we gather with candles, prayer, music, and scripture that we might help one another see the holy moving about in our lives and the world. All are welcome to join us on the journey.



We follow the savior to the waters of baptism not so that we can be made clean, but that we might hear the voice of God speaking to us and declaring that we, too, are beloved.



We are told that we, like all living creature, are to praise God with shouts of celebration, with songs of joy, and with musical instruments. In our service, we use the experience of those who came before us who put their experience of holy into poems, music, and lyrics as they told of the mighty power, might, and faithfulness of the Most High.


The Word

In worship, we return to the written story of our faith believing that over the words on the page, the Word of God still speaks and calls those made in God’s image to better embody a spirit of goodness, hope, and redemption.


The Cross

We come together as a community of the faithful, walking to and from the cross with our savior that we might be his hands, feet, and spirit of redemption in a broken world. No matter what we are each carry, the cross gives us a place to put it all down and better live into the life, abundant.



There is no more radical a thing that we do during our time together than to share in the communion meal together. Here at this table we are reminded that Jesus broke bread with those who were the least of these in his day. When we come together, we welcome all who hunger and thirst for righteousness in the form of bread and cup believing that at God’s table, none are turned away.